
Thursday, December 9, 2010

24 weeks and counting

Something shifted about 2 days ago and I now feel decidedly pregnant while before it was just me and the bump somehow. The dancing, wagging of happy feet, kicking bump is still very much there only slightly more in the way when I am typing, putting my shoes on, moving my chair back and getting up or bending down. I feel I am now bending my back back to walk upright and it is hard to sleep without putting a pillow beneath my feet. But it is a happy bump, I can just feel it is!

I still do not have any feelings one way or the other if it is a boy or a girl - and I was really expecting to actually. But I am getting increasingly curious as to whom this baby is going to be personality wise, regardless of its gender. I remember my friend Salim said that while she was carrying Zoe that she was so curious as to whom this baby she would be taking back home from the hospital was going to be. And I remember thinking that I had never thought about it in that way before - but now I definitely do.

Thanks to Wenche and Gordon the baby now has a brand new pram awaiting it in Europe. Thanks also to Jan for braving the snowy London roads to get the car seat part sent to Norway where from it will be brought to Nepal in order for us to bring it with us to Thailand where it will be safely carrying the baby from the hospital. Somehow this baby is making the word smaller already!

We need to be better at taking bump pictures as it is changing so quickly now. Scary to think about that the baby is actually potentially viable if it was born now - but I am quite happy to have it in there for several more weeks to come.

A few weeks have gone by since I last wrote a blog and every time I put it off I felt bad. So I hope this is the beginning of us writing every week again...

I will hand the court over to Scott now:

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