We missed a week last week, in fact a very important week as we got to see our baby for the first time on the ultrasound. We also heard the heartbeat which was an incredible experience. Although I must admit the baby looks most like a blinking peanut - but it is our little blinking peanut! Seeing and hearing it just made me feel that everything is fine and the baby is happy, it even moved when we watched it. In fact it sort of flipped over. I know it is way too early to feel it yet but that is what it feels like it does in the mornings when I wake up. Mimicking how Scott behaves when he simply has to get up!
Take a look for yourselves: (you can’t see the blinking though which was the heart beating on the ultrasound screen.)
What I also liked was that she confirmed what I was certain of that the baby had been conceived Friday and not Saturday as some pregnancy calendars have suggested. So last Friday the baby was 9 weeks old. Today it is 10.
Right after the ultrasound we drove to Ager to catch the last day of the Women’s Open Paragliding competition and see John before he drove back to England, and just get away from Berger for a few days. We slept in the back of our car which has seats which folds down into a great double bed, with an air-mattress on top and the skylight open it is perfect! It was rather cold though...as it had been 35C during the day I only brought a sheet for the mattress and one for us but that was definitely not enough. We did not get to fly but apart from that we had a great trip.
Left is a photo of my growing belly, decidedly feels like there is not only me in there now! So it is official and we are happy to tell everyone about the baby! In fact as of this week it is no longer an embryo but a fetus and most of the major organs are already in place.
This coming week, week 11, the baby will double in size and be about 5 cm by the end of the week, still fits in the palm of my hand. Incredible that the sound of the heart was so loud and regular, as the heart can only have been about 1 mm in diameter. No more webbed feet and fingers after this week...and if it is a girl she will be growing ovaries.
Felt decidedly less tired and exhausted the last few days...perhaps this tired period is coming to an end? I can actually go a whole day without falling asleep after lunch now, it does catch up with me again in the evening, but it feels more productive.
I Did buy jelly in the store today...is that an early signs of cravings?
Scott says:
"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it" Ferris Bueller
So we're already 10 weeks in, wow! how did that happen and up until now, the "baby" has been no more than a conversation piece over dinner, baby names for boys and girls etc. I mean Anita hasn't really been sick, she's still the same jolly smiley self as she always is. The whole thing has been no more than a concept so far. Then suddenly Wallop!, there it is on the screen, and it has a heart beat... a heart beat? and it was so loud that the nurse had to turn the volume down! The heart can be no bigger than a couple of mm at this stage, mental!
A friend of mine is having twins in a couple of weeks, he was telling me about the day when they went for their first scan. They had some intern on the machine and when she got the image up, she took a closer look, then called the doctor over. They both took a closer look then nodded and made some notes. I said to him, "I bet you were worried weren't you?" "yep" he said, "but my face drained when they told me there were two of them"
So you can imagine my delight when we only saw the one blinking peanut and not two.
Role on week 12, that's when it starts to look a bit more human, and we could find out the sex... if we wanted to.
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