
Friday, September 24, 2010

End of 1st Trimester

So today we are 13 weeks pregnant and have reached the end of the 1st trimester! I don't know quite how that seems to have gone by so fast. But I guess the answer is slowly and surely one day at a time, like how most things happen! I feel great, have gotten all my energy back over the past two weeks and can now make it through an entire day without a nap...

Scott proclaimed last night: "Your boobs are huge!" so I guess that means they have gone through another growth spurt but he did not at all seem disappointed - so I guess that is ok!

It is definately harder to bend down now as this "ball" in my stomach can not be moved or bent in any way, but I am enjoying my stomach and everything feels like it is supposed to - so I guess that is ok too!

Everything is indeed ok - they told us at the hospital yesterday that everything is normal with the baby.  They did a Nuchal Translucency scan which was normal, so no need for further or other tests. And the baby had grown 12mm in a week since the last scan we did. So size wise he or she is totally normal too. In fact I do find it quite amazing that they can make a measurement on the screen and tell you that the baby is 12w 6 days old, so in 3 months the baby is right on the target...not even one day lagging behind or a day bigger than she or he is supposed to be but entirely normal? Surely it can't be normal to be that normal? I am finding I need to get reaquainted with normal...see it in a different light than I have done for as long as I can remember. I have never really felt normal like I presumed everybody else to be, and as far as I know that seems to be the case with Scott too. I have learnt to enjoy the good sides of that and live with the bad sides and have given up trying to be normal a long time ago. And here growing inside me is this totally normal baby and I find I am overjoyed at the normality of it all!

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